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Send your entries to for publication in the online MoonInk Tanka Poetry Anthology 2020. Submissions are free but are limited to 6 poems per person in line with the Submission Guidelines below.


Please share this with anyone you think might be interested.


If you would like any advice or support don't hesitate to contact us on


Submission Guidelines


• Send a maximum of six poems to be considered.

• Poems must be emailed to

• Only Tanka poems written in the traditional format with 5 lines will be accepted.

• All entries must be the original work of the entrant(s).

• No response will be sent to acknowledge receipt although submissions who are published will be sent the website address of the online Anthology.

• No individual correspondence will be entered into and MoonInk are unable to comment on individual submissions.

• There is no age restriction and content that is published will be suitable for children.

• The Anthology will be administrated by MoonInk® who reserve the right not to publish any submission received.

• The Anthology will be updated on a rolling basis.

• Copyright remains with the poet.



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