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About Moonink
Here at MoonInk it is our mission to bring poetry to life by taking the verse out of the book and into the world to gain a wider audience for the poetry in our lives.
Lee and his wife Tana live on the South Coast of the UK. Together they have created MoonInk, a small company printing poetry onto unique gifts.
Lee and Tana have successful careers in High Tech Manufacturing and Operations Management respectively.

Lee is a poet who has studied Japanese short form poetry for the last ten years while Tana likes to read modern contemporary literature.

When they find time in their busy schedule, they like to cycle the South Coast between Littlehampton and Brighton, a rich source of imagery for Lee’s poems.

Lee’s poems are inspired by his travels, the seaside town where he lives and the people and wildlife who inhabit it. The Tanka poems are a contemporary take on the ancient art of Tanka poetry writing.

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