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Alexander Clarke




Lunar moon hare,

Knuckles run through dirt in want of fur,

Taut strings warming.

Candlelit waters of Há»™i An

Cool tides deepen my breath.





Warehouse dog,

Wet fur dripping damp

Spirits on board.

A useless dog will play.

A useful dog will not.





Streetlamp flickers,

Roll up spins into drain,

Littering is cold.

Bus number fifty-five is here,

Laura did well for herself says phone.





Shoes patter rhythmic,

Grass wilts under circle sun,

Ducks are brown.

The cracks on the pavement are old,

Pretty woman walks on by.





Young asks old,

Hare leaps from limber feet,

Tired owl sleeps.

Water holds roof for fish,

Crane waits for moon spirit.





Red pigeon foot,

Sharp beak taps on stone,

No food here.

Wind binds the empty sky,

Flight keeps a heart beating.





Alexander Clarke is a qualified philosophy and ethics teacher who predominantly explores Daoist, Buddhist, and absurdist concepts through his works. Influenced by correlational thinking, he uses imagery and dialogue to investigate the interplay between the subjects, such as ‘You’ and ‘I’.






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